Filiphino Kyusho Martial art-FightBack Combat Academy
Guro Manikandan Trained in Filipino kyusho from Grand master Angelo Baldissone in United Kingdon in 2017 Aug, 2018 Jan and Aug 2019 to become a certified Advanced level instructor in Filipino kyusho.
And also announced as a only Indian Representative for World Filipino kyusho Association. M Angelo Baldissone 8th Dan is the originator of Filipino Kyusho System, it has been born out of over 44 years of dedicated study in the fighting arts, even today still practicing hours a day everyday, Having Studied with many Grandmasters across the globe in order to find, explore and apply the principles and concepts contained within all martial arts.
GM Angelo started with boxing and judo at the tender age of eight, he has a very strong traditional back ground in karate (36 years) graded by Master Enoeda, Classical Arnis with GM Rene Tongson of the Philippines . GM Angelo has studied many arts including Kyushojitsu (pressure points), Aikido, Jujitsu, Kung fu, Thai Boxing, , Italian knife, but it’s the principles contained in these arts and how they relate to each other that is the most important thing it’s not enough to collect lots of techniques (baggage) , when you understand the principles you can do and make as many techniques work as you want. Please remember the techniques are there as a way of studying the principles. Techniques are not the actual martial art or style its self.
There are over 350 principles that need to be applied in order to make your martial art effective. Here are a few of them but by no means an extensive or exhaustive list.
So why use the principles and not techniques?
If you have ever been in a martial arts class that is style or technique driven you will quickly see that some things work on some people and some things don’t and the instructor will say It does not work on him/her because of such and such or he will apply too much aggression or strength to make the thing work and hurt the person or whatever.
The principles work on everyone, the techniques do not unless you know how to apply the principles. Some Instructors will make some techniques work by hitting on the principles by accident an example is you do a technique over and over again you may gain some of the principles. My way of teaching is to start a beginning student from the word go to understand the principles and concepts, this has led me to have many discussions with other instructors (read Arguments!!) They pointed out that it takes 20/30 years of just doing techniques over and over again to gain some of the principles and to me this is why I teach the way I do always principle based, you must know what you are trying to accomplish and achieve, just doing techniques blindly and then making some excuse up why things are not going right is not acceptable to me and you are not really helping your students or the people you come into contact with understand their chosen martial art.
So what is Filipino Kyusho?
Filipino Kyusho is not another style or set of techniques, it is a philosophy meaning that you can do Aikido, Thai Boxing, Jujitsu, Karate or any other martial art and still be doing Filipino Kyusho. If you are not quite sure what this means you need reread the above passage.
To encapsulate Filipino Kyusho we would say it is the art of flowing and blending with pressure point striking which is done without the need for thought or prearranged movements.
‘’It is an expression of the principles.’’
You would practice the principles until you become one with yourself and your opponent, allowing you to perform exactly what is required with out conscious thought or effort.